
Long Range Transportation Plan

The Long Range Plan sets priorities for spending federal funds on transportation projects in our region. This includes highways, roads, bridges, transit facilities and service, bicycle and pedestrian routes, and related enhancements.

The LRTP is the communities overarching guide to the development of a regional transportation system that meets the current and future mobility needs of the regions residents. This transportation plan covers all modes of transport including automobile, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, railroad, freight, and intermodal movements.

A long range regional transportation plan is a federally required document for all metropolitan areas, and it must be updated at least once every five years in order for the region to stay in compliance with federal regulations. The long range plan serves two major functions. First, it records the communities collective vision and goals for the regional transportation system. Second, it is the plan that guides the project prioritization and expenditure of federal transportation funding. This update looks beyond today’s transportation system and into the year 2040. It forecasts mobility needs of the regions population 25 years into the future and charts a course for providing transportation facilities and services to meet that demand. It also identifies deficiencies in the current transportation system and currently unmet mobility needs in the region. Furthermore, it is an objective way to decide which transportation projects are scheduled for implementation and recommended for funding.

This project will shape the future of our transportation system in the Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester region for years to come. Your input is vital to this process. As a user of the transportation system, your perspective is important to determine the highest priorities for improvements.

The 2035 Long Range Transportation Document is no longer valid and has been removed. For a copy or more information contact Kathryn Basha.

FAQs – Information about the Long Range Plan and the update process