
The following documents are subject to public review. Please feel free to download these documents, and pay special  attention to the review period for each document. If you would like to submit comments, send an email to the project manager noted for each project.

If there are no documents listed below, there are none currently out for review.


Current Documents for Public Review

LWDA Subsequent Designation and LWDB Subsequent Certification

Public Review Period: April 18, 2023 to April 25, 2023

Deadline for comments: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 5 PM

Documents for Review: 

PY22 & 23 Consortium Agreement

PY22 & 23 Designation of Grant RecipientFiscal Agent

PY22 & 23 LWDA Susequent Designation Petition

Attachment A- Local Workforce Development Board Membership List

Comment Card

BCD 2040 Rural LRTP Amendment and Draft FY2024-FY2025 BCD Rural Planning Work Program (RPWP)

Public Review Period: April 3, 2023 to April 24, 2023

Deadline for comments: Monday, April 24th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: BCD 2040 Rural LRTP Amendment and Draft FY2024-FY2025 BCD Rural Planning Work Program (RPWP)

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

Past Documents

CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP Amendment Rev. 26 (Version 2)

Public Review Period: March 27, 2023 to April 17, 2023

Deadline for comments: Monday, April 17th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP Amendment Rev. 26 (Version 2)

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP Amendment Rev. 26 (Version 1)

Public Review Period: March 20, 2023 to April 10, 2023

Deadline for comments: Monday, April 10th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP Amendment

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

2021-2027 RTIP & BCD 2040 RLRTP

Public Review Period: March 7, 2023 to March 28, 2023

Deadline for comments: Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Amendment #9

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

2021-2027 RTIP & BCD 2040 RLRTP

Public Review Period: February 6, 2023 – February 27, 2023

Deadline for comments: Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: 2021-2027 RTIP & BCD 2040 RLRTP

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

CHATS FY 2021-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Public Review Period: January 10, 2023 – January 31, 2023

Deadline for comments: Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS FY 2021-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

CHATS 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan: Amendment No. 8 & CHATS FFY 2022 Annual Obligations Report

Public Review Period: January 9, 2023 – January 30, 2023

Deadline for comments: Monday, January 30th, 2023 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan: Amendment No. 8 & CHATS FFY 2022 Annual Obligations Report

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

SC Works Local and Regional Plans for Public Comment


The Trident Workforce Development area and the South Coast Region are seeking public comments on the two-year local and regional plan modifications. The plans must identify and describe the policies, procedures, and workforce activities carried out in the region and local areas.

Each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) is responsible for developing a four-year local plan in partnership with the chief elected officials (CEOs).  The Local Workforce Development Board and CEOs must also engage in a regional planning process to develop a regional plan incorporating the local plans within the region. These plans must be updated after two years.  The Trident Workforce Development area along with the Lowcountry Workforce Area makes up the South Coast Regions (Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton,  Dorchester, Hampton, and Jasper Counties).

In compliance with the Stevens Amendment:

Funding details for award totals for the program year 2022 (PY’22) are provided as follows and revised annually. Unless otherwise stipulated, all statements, news releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, visual presentations, and other applicable documents and programs are fully funded from federal sources.

  • The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $739,774 (100% Federal) and $0 (0%) state, local, and/or non-governmental funds.
  • The WIOA Dislocated Worker Program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $895,3457 (100% Federal) and $0 (0%) state, local, and/or non-governmental funds.
  • The WIOA Youth Program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $762,532 (100% Federal) and $0 (0%) state, local, and/or non-governmental funds.

Public Review Period: November 14, 2022 – November 23, 2022

Deadline for comments: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 by 5 PM

Download Document: 

Trident Local Plan (Modification of Master Draft 11.08.2022)

South Coast Regional Plan (Modified 11.03.2022)

You can submit your comments below:

Trident Local Plan:

South Coast Regional Plan:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Attn: Sharon Goss

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sharon Goss

Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan Document

Public Review Period: October 24, 2022 – November 23, 2022

Deadline for comments: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: BCDCOG CEDS Plan 2023-2028 WATERMARKED

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Ryan Wilcox

bcd fY 2021-2027 rTIP & fy 2022 - 2023 bcdcog rURAL PLANNING WORK PROGRAM (rpwp) Amendments

Public Review Period: October 18, 2022 – November 8, 2022

Deadline for comments: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document:  BCD FY 2021–2027 RTIP & FY 2022– 2023 BCDCOG Rural Planning Work Program (RPWP) Amendments(R1)

You can submit your comments below:

Comments can also be submitted in person, or sent to:

Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

Contact Person: Sarah Cox

CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP & 2040 CHATS LRTP Amendments

Public Review Period: October 3, 2022 – October 24, 2022

Deadline for comments: Monday, October 24th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS FY 2021-2027 TIP & 2040 CHATS LRTP Amendments

SCDOT’s STIP Amendment: FY 2023 Closed and Load Restricted Bridges Programming of Funding

Deadline for comments: Monday, October 10th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: SCDOT-FY23 Closed-Load Restricted Bridges Programming Notice

BCD FY 2021-2027 RTIP Amendment

Public Review Period: August 19 to September 9, 2022

Deadline for comments: Friday, September 9th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: BCD FY 2021-2027 RTIP Amendment

BCD FY 2021-2027 RTIP Amendment

Public Review Period: August 19 to September 9, 2022

Deadline for comments: Friday, September 9th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: BCD FY 2021-2027 RTIP Amendment


Public Review Period: July 18, 2022 to August 8, 2022

Deadline for comments: Monday, August 8th, 2022 at 5 PM


SCDOT STIP Amendments for July 2022

Public Review Period: July 25, 2022 to August 11, 2022

Deadline for comments: Thursday, August 11th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: SCDOT-STIP Amendments July 2022

Document includes public comment for the following projects:

  • I-95 Corridor Improvement Widening Project (MM 8 to MM 21)
  • I-95 Corridor Improvements Project (MM 21 to MM 33)
  • I-95 Bridge Replacement Project over the Great PeeDee River
  • I-26 Corridor Improvement Project (Exit 145) US 601 St. Matthews Rd to (Exit 165) SC-201 Vance Rd


Public Review Period: July 29, 2022 to August 19, 2022

Deadline for comments: Friday, August 19th, 2022 at 5 PM

Download Document: CHATS Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)